孟加拉將與俄羅斯簽訂促進漁業出口貿易協定孟加拉漁業及畜牧部聯合秘書長(MoFL)表示,為避免孟加拉蝦因漁業部(DoF)與俄羅斯檢疫局(RVA) 未就品質保證問題簽訂備忘錄(MoU),致2010年停止出口事件重演,將儘早完成雙邊漁業合作諮商室內設計備忘錄,以因應達卡與莫斯科正式簽訂促進漁產品出口俄羅斯協定。DoF原於去年底與RVA成功簽訂一項MoU,卻因爆發限制孟加拉蝦出口案而中斷RVA訪查達卡品質保證管控現況計畫。2010年爆發限制孟加拉蝦出口前,每年約有20家廠商出口價澎湖民宿值3,300萬美元的蝦至俄羅斯,現僅剩5家廠商能出口蝦,其他15家則強烈要求當局對蝦出口採取積極因應對策。根據統計,孟加拉冷凍食品於2010-2011會計年度的出口值(62,500萬美元)較2009-2010會計年度(43,700萬美元)大幅成長四成,主酒店打工要歸功於蝦出口。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2011,17 October 2011) TRADE DEAL ON FISHERIES TO BOOST EXPORT TO RUSSIADhaka has initiated a move to sign a pact with Moscow aiming to increase fish and 房屋出租shrimp exports toRussia. Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL) said that it will soon draft theMoU in consultation with the stakeholders concerned for the two countries to collaborate 好房網in the fisheries sector. Bangladesh’s shrimp export to Russia came to a halt in 2010 due to absence of any MoU between Department of Fisheries (DoF) and the Russian Veterinary Authority (RVA) on quality 租屋網assurance Matters. A MoU between the DoF and RVA was signed late last year and the RVA officials were supposed to visit Dhaka to see the quality control assurance in Bangladesh. However, the visit is yet to take 21世紀房屋仲介place and that has restricted shrimp export from Bangladesh. Before the export was halted in 2010 some 20 companies had been exporting shrimp to Russia worth Tk 2.5 billion (US$33 million) a year. Now only five 住商房屋companies can export shrimp and the industry has urged the government to take steps to facilitate shrimp exports by the other 15 companies. Statistics show that the country’s frozen food export registered a 40% 烤肉食材growth driven by shrimp to US$625 million in the fiscal year 2010-11 from US$437 million in the 2009-10.
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